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Manifestation Of The Higher Consciousness In The Phenomena Of Possession And Materialisation

In these strange phenomena, not only manifestations of the higher

consciousness, analogous with or similar to those just cited, have

been noted, but also a number of facts which prove, to some extent,

the casual presence in a normal human body or in materialised abnormal

forms, of beings other than that which constitutes the personality of

the one possessed, or of the medium who conditions these

materialisations. On th
s point, we would mention the well-known

investigations of Sir W. Crookes (Katie King), those of Colonel de

Rochas (Vincent, Un cas de changement de personnalite, Lotus Bleu

1896), and similar experiments of other savants.

"Incarnation mediums" have often lent their physical bodies to

disincarnated human entities, whose account of what happened or whose

identity it has been possible to verify. Here I will mention only one

case amongst several others, I heard it from my friend, D. A. Courmes,

a retired naval captain, a man who is well-informed in these matters,

thoroughly sincere, and of unquestioned veracity.

In 1895, he happened to be off Algiers, on a training vessel. A boat

had sunk in the harbour, and a man was drowned. His body had not been

recovered. On the evening of the accident, my friend, accompanied by a

doctor, a professor, and the vice-president of the Court of Algiers,

attended a spiritualistic meeting in the town. One of these

"incarnation mediums" happened to be present. M. Courmes suggested

that the drowned man should be called up. The latter answered to the

call, entered the medium, whose voice and attitude immediately

changed. He gave the following account of what had taken place: "When

the boat sank, I was on the ladder. I was hurled down, my right leg

passed between two bars, occasioning fracture of the leg, and

preventing me from releasing myself. My body will be found caught in

the ladder when the boat is brought to the surface. It is useless to

seek elsewhere."

This account was shortly afterwards confirmed.

These phenomena are more frequent than one would imagine; a sufficient

number might be given to show that, judging from the theory of

probabilities, serious consideration should be given to them.

